Friday, February 29, 2008

Basic information about Champix varenicline

Champix varenicline is specifically designed as smoking cessation treatment and is discovered and developed by Pfizer. Champix varenicline works by reducing the severity of nicotine cravings and many withdrawal symptoms that smokers face on quitting smoking. Moreover, if a smoker continues smoking during the smoking cessation treatment, Champix varenicline has the potential to ebb the sense of satisfaction and pleasure derived from smoking.

Dosage of Champix varenicline

The usual starting dosage of Champix varenicline is 0.5mg once a day for the first three days then 0.5mg twice daily for the next 4 days, then 1mg twice daily thereafter. Every dosage of Champix varenicline should be taken with a full glass of water after a meal. The dosage schedule of Champix varenicline may be a bit confusing but the tablets are colour coded to make it simpler for you. The 0.5mg dosage tablets of Champix varenicline are white in colour and the 1mg tablets are available in blue colour.

It is very important to follow the recommended dosage of Champix varenicline as prescribed.

Champix side effects

Some of the side effects of Champix varenicline are mentioned below. If you experience any Champix side effects, consult a doctor. He may suggest ways to counter Champix side effects. If the Champix side effects become persistent or bothersome, he may even ask you to stop the treatment with Champix varenicline.

  • Nausea (the most common Champix side effect)
  • Sleeping disorder and unusual dreams
  • Gas and stomach problems
  • Sleeplessness
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste

These are common Champix side effects and are mostly mild in nature. Most people do not stop the treatment with Champix varenicline because of Champix side effects.

Now that you know the basic information of the drug, Champix varenicline, itself, you would like to know how to buy Champix online. If you wish to buy Champix online, but do not how to go about it, read on.

Champix online

When you buy Champix online, it is necessary to get it from a genuine website and get authentic and branded Champix varenicline. Some sources sell fake or generic Champix online. This is how these sources offer Champix online at much lower price than the standard prices. It is your responsibility to not to be swayed and tempted to get low-priced Champix online. After all, it is your health; you have to take responsibility of it when you get Champix online.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Which is the best way to quit smoking?

Seven out of ten people would like to quit smoking. If you are one of them, get Champix varenicline, the latest aid for smoking cessation. Many people try unsuccessfully for years before they can quit smoking for good.

However, now that Champix varenicline is available, the chances of success in smoking cessation increase. People can now quit smoking more easily than ever. Champix varenicline helps people by reducing withdrawal symptoms and cutting down nicotine cravings. Champix varenicline also makes smoking displeasing by not allowing nicotine from cigarettes to attach to the nicotine receptors in the brain.

Let us understand the effects of Champix varenicline in detail so that you can know about its efficacy better.

Fights withdrawal symptoms

When a person tries to quit smoking, he suffers from occasional or persistent withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea, and sore throats. These symptoms normally last for four days.

Insomnia, fatigue, increased appetite, lack of concentration, increased tendency to dream, irritability, depression, and anxiety are symptoms that mark the departure of nicotine from the body. These symptoms are very menacing and they last for two to four weeks. Coughing, this is the most common symptoms, and it is caused by cilia that work to clean the tar and mucus.

Champix varenicline reduces the nuisance of withdrawal symptoms to quite an extent and helps people to quit smoking without any trouble.

Curbs nicotine cravings

The hardest part for any smoker is to face cravings that make him desire a cigarette. Nicotine cravings generally last for 3 to 5 minutes, but these few minutes can make a smoker forget all his promises and resolutions and light up. Champix varenicline reduces cravings by attaching to the nicotine receptors in the brain. This way your brain is tricked into believing, you are receiving your daily dosage of nicotine.

However, if you light up a cigarette because of emotional factors, Champix varenicline will make smoking so displeasing that you will get an ugly and nasty feeling. This is because Champix varenicline does not allow nicotine to attach to the brain and all you do is inhale the smoke and have no benefit at all from smoking. The sense of lull and calm that attracts you to smoking is nullified with the help of Champix varenicline.

So quit smoking with Champix varenicline and make smoking cessation an easy and pleasurable task. Buy Champix varenicline now!