Thursday, January 3, 2008

Champix: What you should know about it but you do not

Champix is the latest drug for smoking cessation in the market. Since the arrival of Champix, many people in various countries have tried this drug and have quit smoking. On the face of it, Champix looks like a miracle pill and caters to millions of smokers but what most people miss out is the care that has to be taken with it.

The first thing that a smoker trying to quit should understand is taking right Champix dosages. Taking right, prescribed amount of Champix dosages reduces the chances of any Champix side effects.

You can get two strengths of Champix dosages in the market, 0.5mg and 1mg pills. The lower Champix dosage pills are available in as white pills and 1mg pills are available as blue coloured pills. Normally doctors prescribe lower Champix dosages and move up the dosage amount as time advances.

Sometimes people mix up their Champix dosages and invite Champix side effects. If you want to evade any Champix side effects, always remember to take proper Champix dosages. One more thing you can do to thwart Champix side effects is to drink plenty of water.

Some of the Champix side effects that you might experience are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Sleeping disorder and unusual dreams
  • Gas and stomach problems
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste

It is not possible to avoid all Champix side effects by taking proper Champix dosages and drinking lots of water. However, you can still reduce the probability.

Most people after taking their Champix dosages feel nauseous, as this is the most common of all Champix side effects. However, it is not compulsory that you will experience this or any Champix side effects.

Further more to avoid Champix side effects, you should not take Champix if:

· You are under 18 years of age

· Pregnant or nursing

· Have any known allergy to any of the ingredients of Champix

· Have kidney disorders

Talk to a doctor and confirm with him or her that it is safe for you to take Champix dosages. Even if you experience some Champix side effects, remember in the end, it is for your own better if you quit smoking with the help of Champix. Unless your Champix side effects do not become troublesome and serious, there is no need to stop Champix dosages.


Fred said...

Hi Steve,
Thank you for your comment on my German Champix blog. It seems to me that you are working for Pfizer or in a pharmaceutic industries as you sent me links to buy Champix?
Champix is a very good pill to quit smoking but with some individual secondary effects. Have you read about the suicides in USA may be caused by Champix? If you go on with your blog we should link our blogs if you agree.
Kind regards from Germany